Surprising turns!

I have been through a lot of twists and turns and disappointments through the last few months- not the least of which was the death of my medical research partner- Michael Jensen. He died from effects of mismanaged prescription drugs meant to alleviate stress and promote sleep and instead they ruined his life and destroyed his frontal lobe and caused hallucinations and addiction. He stumbled into it so innocently and without adequate warnings about possible effects. Afraid he would lose his practice and his medical license- he did not get help soon enough or tell us so we could help him. I was devastated and wanted nothing to do with research or supplements and was seriously considering leaving the field altogether because of this and many other recent disappointments in the industry. I was ready to throw in the towel. Just when I was ready to leave I got an offer to educate and oversee the nutritional department management in a company I have been associated with for 10 years. I struggled with my decision for weeks and finally immersed myself. Only time will tell if I can do any good or improve things for them. I get tired of money being the chief and formost priority in the field. Good management is necessary, but I see pharmaceutical development and nutritional development prioritizing this way. I remember my boss once saying,” Take care of the customer and the bottom line will take care of it’s self”. I’ve always operated this way and am an avid educator. Good information and belief governs behavior. A good sales pitch is only useful to anyone if it is embedded with truth and concern for the individual receiving it. Maybe I can lose my disallusionment in immersion in the truth and honor of the pursuit of correct health information.   IF YOU have your health- you have everything!

    I’ve been away!!!!

    I have spent some time working on a research project that took a lot of focus. It had a somewhat disappointing ending because the research is now only available by prescription and will not be over the counter. It is something that I found through the research is better off produced by the body and creating ways the body can do this is best. That, at least, is a positive! Our bodies carefully control certain chemical production so as not to confuse the “feedback” loops. You may need to search out what biological feedback loops are so I will not explain that here. One of the substances which autistic children have abnormal production of is glutathione. It is your most powerful antioxidant. Creating an environment where it can be produced naturally in the body then becomes the challenge. An example of an herb that increases the liver’s production naturally ( and the liver is not the only place where it is produced ) is: milk thistle. Glutathione is a complex structure that when ingested gets broken down into it’s respective parts and used much as any other protein source. This is why oral delivery is poor at best and even I.V. and inhalant (prescription) deliveries are broken down or easily oxidized, rendering them almost equally as ineffective. I thought we had a new one, but then the complexity comes, in how it influences the bodies own production. There is so much we don’t know! I hope to get back to answering questions.  Sorry about the delay!

      Hi Kit! Any tips for someone with chronic fatigue?

      Asked by

      Chronic fatigue is somewhat elusive to doctors. The one thing I disagree with in the conventional approach is the surrender only to pharmaceutical management of it.  It usually occurs after a more serious bout with Epstein Barr virus and seem to indicate the “messing up” of more than one metabolic pathway which I still believe can be reversed with careful nutritional  plugins. Magnesium Malate is one of them. It helps restore one of the seemingly missing or deficient Kreb Cycle intermediates that can explain the lack of proper ATP synthesis ( your energy production in the cells) found in chronic fatigue sufferers. You make malic acid  but sometimes not in sufficient amounts after that and with out proper supplementation and quantity will naturally suffer the  energy loss of bad ATP syntheses. You can not have normal energy without it. One of the medical offices I have seen have a good understanding of the nutritional side of this equation is the Center for Advanced Medicine (Dr. Dennis Remington) in Provo, Utah- who understand and treat the nutritional side of chronic fatigue. He is a published author many times over and a brilliant diagnostic physician underrated by his peers because he takes such an unconventional look at these kind of matters and makes sure the nutritional side is looked at.

        Do weight loss products like 'sensa' actually work? I am curious to try it but it seems too good to be true.

        Asked by

        I you go to Consumer Health Answers  and find their article on Weight Loss Success: Which Weight Loss Products Are Most Effective?, you will find a hopefully unbiased rating for this product that compares it with it’s peers. It seems to rate well but the one thing that bothers me is their unwillingness to openly disclose their proprietary ingredient list. It may very well work, but they are not very forthcoming on the specific part of their ingredients that do the work. I suspect that it is very simple and cheap and if they disclosed that  portion of their product every  one would rush out and make their own and not pay the 139$ pricetag on this pricey product. I also question the rating site that also sells and advertises the product.

        I left this inquiry with more questions than answers. I will tell you that in my extensive conversations with my professional peers (doctors included), the general consensus is that Weight Watchers ( sans their artificially sweetened products) is our favorite program because it retrains people how to portion control and learn how to eat a daily diet that will sustain health and be realistic. Many of these weight loss products will produce temporary results by overstimulation of the cardiovascular and nervous systems and cause you to “borrow” on your health credit card, or they will not teach you new habits of maintenance (only working as long as you buy and use them) leaving you to undo or regain what you may have lost- leaving you in the same boat you started in. And, I might add, still owing on your health credit card at the end.  Many  people leave off with a caffeine addiction. or potentiate heart or nervous system problems that they end up having to deal with while no better off than they were before. I have seen some of these products assist people temporarily off of a plateau, but they must be in some type of diet and exercise lifestyle change and management program to keep it off and be successful  during and afterwards.

        I think I have seen most of what’s out there including some of the newer products that are barely off of the ground and none of them will work standing alone without any other changes to lifestyle and eating habits. That has to be in place to stay successful. It can be done, but no product out there can work forever, healthfully ,without those other factors of diet and exercise considered and in place.

        Insulin management and control, and dealing with the epidemic “hyperinsulinemia” that most Americans are somewhere on downhill slide of, is where it is at metabolically speaking. Managing and controlling cellular resistance to insulin will control our tendency to store fat and waste muscle. Read Michael and Mary Dan Eades, ” Protein Power” book, especially the first 85 and last 100 pages of the book where the physiology is explained and you will get a first class education on why the American diet is encouraging weight gain, high blood pressure, diabetes (type II), high cholesterol and high triglycerides. I also believe that their understanding and approach can be done by any dietary code if planned out carefully. The book explains how to approach it with the consumption of animal products but I believe with some of the higher quality and newer vegetable protien products out there like Garden of Life’s Raw Protein Powder or  the raw sprouted rice protein products from Sun Warrior that have good amino acids profiles on them , it can be done vegetarian as well. I have seen good measurable clinical results with the application of their program in the book ( Protein Power), most notably a doctor that trained me on the book- 11 years ago- Dr. Steve Komadina, then a New Mexico State senator that had lost over a hundred pounds on their program and gotten off of every drug he was on and gotten rid of every ailment. That is one of the better text in hand approaches that a person could fathom and apply without any assistance from anyone but backing of their health care provider and proper clearing for the diet. This book will give you better decision making ability and better understanding of some other harmful societal fallacies and misunderstandings that have been perpetuated by incorrect information still being disseminated today. Don’t let the title put you off, or their advocacy of animal proteins- the information  and their explanations are sound.

          Someone asked you about raising a family vegan successfully. Have you read The Beauty Detox Solution by Kimberly Snyder CN? It covers everything! One of my favorite books.

          Asked by

          Duly noted! Thankyou! I will get a copy and hope my other reader notices this update as well. I have not as yet had a chance to read it, but I promise I will. Thank you again, Kit!