Surprising turns!

I have been through a lot of twists and turns and disappointments through the last few months- not the least of which was the death of my medical research partner- Michael Jensen. He died from effects of mismanaged prescription drugs meant to alleviate stress and promote sleep and instead they ruined his life and destroyed his frontal lobe and caused hallucinations and addiction. He stumbled into it so innocently and without adequate warnings about possible effects. Afraid he would lose his practice and his medical license- he did not get help soon enough or tell us so we could help him. I was devastated and wanted nothing to do with research or supplements and was seriously considering leaving the field altogether because of this and many other recent disappointments in the industry. I was ready to throw in the towel. Just when I was ready to leave I got an offer to educate and oversee the nutritional department management in a company I have been associated with for 10 years. I struggled with my decision for weeks and finally immersed myself. Only time will tell if I can do any good or improve things for them. I get tired of money being the chief and formost priority in the field. Good management is necessary, but I see pharmaceutical development and nutritional development prioritizing this way. I remember my boss once saying,” Take care of the customer and the bottom line will take care of it’s self”. I’ve always operated this way and am an avid educator. Good information and belief governs behavior. A good sales pitch is only useful to anyone if it is embedded with truth and concern for the individual receiving it. Maybe I can lose my disallusionment in immersion in the truth and honor of the pursuit of correct health information.   IF YOU have your health- you have everything!

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